Oct 26, 2020
Andy Hill is a husband and father to two awesome (and crazy) kids. He values family first, but investing your finances to find the sweet spot of what they have to do to have a great time today, but also set themselves up for a great future. His goal is to give them the best life possible and strengthen their family tree...
Oct 19, 2020
Jeremy Roadruck is a speaker, teacher, author, and catalyst on a mission to empower children so that they never feel as if they can’t speak up for themselves. He works with families to empower children to speak up and own their voices. He creates emotional safety for children and the power to assert themselves...
Oct 12, 2020
Robyn Robertson is a full time unschooling mom to two fun loving kids. She grew up as a mixed heritage kid, traveling in 7 different countries by the time she was 6 years old. She found her experiences around the world early on had given her a viewpoint on life unlike many others. As a mom, she chose to share that...
Oct 5, 2020
Join us this week with financial advisor Taylor Schulte and Generation.mom podcast host Lara Schulte to discuss overcoming financial and pregnancy hardship adversity as a family as well as how they manage growing businesses and online communities as a family.