Mar 30, 2022
Saying farewell is the most challenging part of loving a dog, and it always comes far too soon. Today, Jim and Jamie share the loss of their dog and reflect on the impact it brings on their lives. Tune in because you'll surely relate to this episode!
Key takeaways to listen for
Mar 23, 2022
Divorce is mostly associated with negative definitions, but Ben and Nikki - authors of Our Happy Divorce, defied the norm to create a thriving blended family even after their breakup. Stay tuned to learn about the difficulties of their divorce and their unconventional approach to partnerships and blended families.
Mar 16, 2022
Are you satisfied with the people around you? Today, Rick Sapio reveals a strong concept that will transform your life forever, ideas that will help you discover what is essential to you and your family and live a family you design. Stay tuned to learn how to align your family values and have better long-term...
Mar 9, 2022
There is no right or wrong way to grieve, no matter what type of loss you've experienced. Listen in as Jim Sheils highlights the value of making the most of your time with someone you care about and his perspective on loss and pain.
Key takeaways to listen for
Mar 2, 2022
Discover the meaning of incredible unconditional love in this episode with Immaculée Ilibagiza who shares her journey through the darkness of genocide and whose life has been touched by fear, sorrow, and grief. Stay tuned to discover the healing power of prayer and self-love in overcoming trauma, anger, and hatred, and...